First Nations Garden Chi-Nations Chicago Illinois Community Native American Indigenous First Nations Native Plants Seeds Insects Bees Sunflower Photos City Albany Park

Photos: Planter Boxes & Rings, Spring 2021

First Nations Native American Garden Chi-Nations Chicago Community Indigenous Plants Seeds Hoop Lid Planter Boxes Rings Sweetgrass Wild Strawberry Prairie Sage

Photos: Planter Boxes & Rings, Spring 2021


Subject: Planter Boxes with Hoops Lids & Rings for Native Plants
Location: Chicago, IL (Albany Park)
Date: 04/26/2021
Camera: Canon S110
Photographer: David Bernie (Ihanktonwan Dakota)


Sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata)
Wild Strawberry (Fragaria virginiana)
Prairie Sage (Artemisia ludoviciana)

Hinged Hoop House Raised Beds (HHHRB)

The HHHRBs was built in the Fall of 2020 to start growing prairie sage, sweetgrass, and strawberries, all of which hold cultural significance to the Native communities of this region. The intention for these beds is to provide more access to traditional medicines of this region to the local Native Community. 

Circular Raised Beds

We currently have 18 CRB for the 2022 growing season. In 2021our CRBs grew Midewiwin Tobacco, White Buffalo Cafe Tobacco, Prairie Sage, Echinacea, Bear Tongue Foxglove, Rose Milkweed, and Spotted Joe Pye Weed. 


First Nations Native American Garden Chi-Nations Chicago Community Indigenous Plants Seeds Hoop Lid Planter Boxes Rings Sweetgrass Wild Strawberry Prairie Sage
Hoop House Raised Bed Planter Boxes with Sweetgrass, Wild Strawberry, and Prairie Sage
First Nations Native American Garden Chi-Nations Chicago Community Indigenous Plants Seeds Hoop Lid Planter Boxes Rings Sweetgrass Wild Strawberry Prairie Sage
Hoop House Raised Bed Planter Boxes with Sweetgrass, Wild Strawberry, and Prairie Sage
First Nations Native American Garden Chi-Nations Chicago Community Indigenous Plants Seeds Hoop Lid Planter Boxes Rings Sweetgrass Wild Strawberry Prairie Sage
Hoop House Raised Bed Planter Boxes with Sweetgrass, Wild Strawberry, and Prairie Sage
First Nations Native American Garden Chi-Nations Chicago Community Indigenous Plants Seeds Hoop Lid Planter Boxes Rings Sweetgrass Wild Strawberry Prairie Sage
Hoop House Raised Bed Planter Boxes with Sweetgrass, Wild Strawberry, and Prairie Sage
First Nations Native American Garden Chi-Nations Chicago Community Indigenous Plants Seeds Hoop Lid Planter Boxes Rings
Hoop House Raised Bed Planter Boxes and Rings
First Nations Native American Garden Chi-Nations Chicago Community Indigenous Plants Seeds Hoop Lid Planter Boxes Rings Sweetgrass Wild Strawberry
Hoop House Raised Bed Planter Boxes with Sweetgrass, Wild Strawberry, and Prairie Sage
First Nations Native American Garden Chi-Nations Chicago Community Indigenous Plants Seeds Hoop Lid Planter Boxes Rings Sweetgrass Wild Strawberry Prairie Sage
Hoop House Raised Bed Planter Boxes with Sweetgrass, Wild Strawberry, and Prairie Sage
First Nations Native American Garden Chi-Nations Chicago Community Indigenous Plants Seeds Hoop Lid Planter Boxes Rings Sweetgrass Wild Strawberry
Hoop House Raised Bed Planter Boxes with Sweetgrass, Wild Strawberry, and Prairie Sage
First Nations Native American Garden Chi-Nations Chicago Community Indigenous Plants Seeds Hoop Lid Planter Boxes Rings Wild Strawberry Prairie Sage
Hoop House Raised Bed Planter Boxes with Sweetgrass, Wild Strawberry, and Prairie Sage
First Nations Native American Garden Chi-Nations Chicago Community Indigenous Plants Seeds Hoop Lid Planter Boxes Rings Prairie Sage
Hoop House Raised Bed Planter Boxes with Sweetgrass, Wild Strawberry, and Prairie Sage
First Nations Native American Garden Chi-Nations Chicago Community Indigenous Plants Seeds Hoop Lid Planter Boxes Rings Sweetgrass
Hoop House Raised Bed Planter Boxes with Sweetgrass
First Nations Native American Garden Chi-Nations Chicago Community Indigenous Plants Seeds Hoop Lid Planter Boxes Rings Sweetgrass
Hoop House Raised Bed Planter Boxes with Sweetgrass
First Nations Native American Garden Chi-Nations Chicago Community Indigenous Plants Seeds Hoop Lid Planter Boxes Rings Wild Strawbery
Hoop House Raised Bed Planter Boxes with Wild Strawberry
First Nations Native American Garden Chi-Nations Chicago Community Indigenous Plants Seeds Hoop Lid Planter Boxes Rings Wild Strawberry
Hoop House Raised Bed Planter Boxes with Wild Strawberry


First Nations Garden (Wiinso, Wiikonge Otishinikaaso) was established in the Spring of 2019 due to community organizing led by the Chi-Nations Youth Council with support from Alderman Carlos Rosa of the 35th Ward. Currently, Chi-Nations is working closely with Neighborspace to ensure a more sustainable future for the garden.

First Nations Garden was chosen as the English name of the space. The term First Nations is a collective noun that emphasizes the importance of direct and ancestral relationships to the land, both human and non-human. As First Nations peoples, we’ve chosen names that carry the garden site’s history and ancestral ecological knowledge and assist in helping provide navigational information and teachings to the greater public. 

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